Jury results are starting to come in for some of the competitive exhibitions to which I applied. The shows don’t all take place in the fall, but there is definitely a cluster of application deadlines this time of year.
I am please to share that two of my works, Rooftop Garniture: Fume Duo and Rooftop Garniture: Stitches, were accepted to Under Fire 4, the Enamel Guild North East International Juried Exhibition. This is an online exhibition, so geography is no excuse for not checking it out!
The show will be available for view on Friday October 22rd, 2022 via the enamelguildnortheast.org website. The Enamel Guild North East invites you to join them Sunday, October 23rd at 6 pm EDT for their panel discussion by the three jurors: Harlan Butt, Patti Bleicher, and Jessica Calderwood with Amy Roper Lyons moderating.
“The use of enamel in today’s art and jewelry world exemplifies a broad and diverse approach. From the beautiful and elegant use of color and traditional methods, to the pushing of boundaries of form, content and application, makers are creating innovative works that speak to the times we live in. In this panel, the three jurors for the exhibition will share their observations on contemporary enamels, while reflecting on the works submitted for review for Under Fire 4. The three recipients of the Jurors' Awards will be announced. Tune in via zoom, Sunday, October 23rd at 6 pm US EDT.”
Rooftop Garniture: Fume Due
Rooftop Garniture: Stitches