Plumb Bob: Shelter and Plumb Bob: Loving and Faithful were both accepted into Soulcology: An Exhibition in Metal at the Guilford Art Center in Guilford, Connecticut. It is a national, juried exhibition and will be on view from June 6 through July 27th, 2014. It was organized by Lanette Barber and adjudicated by Robert Dancik. I am additionally pleased to announce that Shelter received the third place award! Both pieces are part of a series of plumb bobs that either hang from forged wall hooks or may be worn as necklaces.
The following is the statement which pertains to these pieces:
Plumb bobs have been used to find “true” vertical lines as well as depth. These plumb bob pendant necklaces come from the understanding that hard decisions must sometimes be made and those things upon which we base our decisions are reflections of what we value. “Shelter” references the idea of a secure home as a concern around which major life decisions may be built. It is not difficult to see great significance in the ability to access a dependable shelter, and the gold key is an exact duplicate of the back door key to my first house. “Loving and Faithful” is about a commitment to another in a partnership as a foundation for decision making. My husband and I were married according to the traditions of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and our vows were to be “with divine assistance, loving and faithful” unto each other.

Plumb Bob: Shelter (detail)